We promote legal and responsible motorcycle use in the Peak District, whilst supporting our contribution to the rural economy.
More than ever, the Peak District needs tourism. Not restrictions that limits the attraction to visit the area !
Legal Motorcycle Trail Riding is on the increase, yet some local authorities continue to reduce the legal routes available. We believe this situation is unsustainable ! The health and fitness benefits of Trail riding is great as it takes a high level of fitness to ride such machines… We just need somewhere to do it ! Currently, we have around 2% of the rights of way in Derbyshire.
Tourism And Provision. People just want to earn a living!
Logic leads us to believe that the basic rules of tourism and gainful business include providing goods, services or (in the case of a tourist area) usable facilities that a wide spectrum of tourists would desire to use. We believe this is necessary in order to attract tourists to a particular area. Legal Motorcycle trail riders have only 2% of unsurfaced routes left in the Peak District to use legally. A very small amount compared to other countryside users. Some local authorities continue to reduce these facilities to motorcycle tourists still further despite this suggestion.
Many Derbyshire and Peak District businesses enjoy the benefit of tourism from Motorcyclists. Hotels, guest houses and B&Bs are among the ones who particularly look forward to motorcycle trail riding groups visiting the area. Many trail riders stay a few days and spend lots of money in cafes and restaurants.
Not content with having around 98% of the countryside rights of way already vehicle free, there are groups of people who are still not satisfied. They seem to want the entire network of thousands of miles of footpaths, bridleways and byways, to themselves. They appear to be trying to stop using the 2% or so we have left to use. Some groups lobby local authorities to close further routes to vehicles. We think that’s unreasonable.
The option to walk, cycle or ride a horse without vehicle presence is already available and with a massive choice and availability of lanes. Motor Vehicles are a way of modern life. To seek to ban them from recreational pursuits, we feel is both unrealistic and unreasonable.
Paying Tourists

Trail riders come to the Peak District as paying tourists. They require, hotels, guest houses, restaurants and filling stations. A typical rider staying for the weekend might spend around £300. Indeed, it is the case that trail riding is the main source of income in some Welsh villages. Without which the local people would have no jobs. As business owners ourselves we would like to bring this much needed finance to the area.
Signs like this are costing jobs and £ millions in lost tourism each year.

Illegal Riding : Give us the tools to reduce illegal riding !
One thing all legitimate groups of countryside users appear to agree on is the unacceptable illegal use of motorcycles on non-motorised routes such as bridleways and footpaths. The APTR only promotes responsible, legitimate and legal motorcycle trail riding.
Illegal motorcycle use is on the increase. We think this could be partly due to so many closures of what few lanes are legally available by the local authority PDNPA. We fail to understand how closing more legal lanes can possibly reduce illegal riding without new provision being provided? Legal places to ride motorcycles are on the decrease. The authorities have reduced the amount of lanes to such a degree that some riders opt may to take the risk and ride where they like. We oppose these illegal actions, but are not surprised by them.